Friday, July 30, 2010

Before "DEATH" it is time to plan, act, learn, help ....

This information for those who may need to be more responsible and take control over the life they have left this information is a doctor who talks openly and describes un-discussed topics well. He is well interviewed by best NPR person - Terry Gross and has written both an article in the New Yorker [august 2 2010] and a book too.

Here we have googled to get info, so select what you may want to share with anyone...even if they are not [yet] terminal but even with having any serious illness, cancer, old age.. No one ever knows how 'terminal' they are, or when their death-day emerges, suddenly sometimes, slowly at others.

It is much better to be aware, be prepared and become in charge - as best one can be. Before guilty-fearful-conformist relatives or the state government takes control and then it is too late to make one's one choices.

Choice is our word for "free will" too. As much as can be had at any given moment....

Do others a Favor too ! Share this information as you see appropriate. The actions taken and
the rest is up to each individual to take care of how they live or mess up the rest of what time is left



which describes the interview briefly in printed words

and to see
Dr. Atul Gawande's words in an article, which may be on-line later :"his article "Letting Go" in the Aug. 2 2010 New Yorker magazine. [You can also have your own hard copy by buying the magazine or a subscription]

[a related but side issue was also noted on KPCC radio page:]
Montana 3rd state to allow doctor-assisted suicide (1/1/10)

Too bad CALIFORNIA was too scared though there were 45% of voters who said yes years ago when it was a proposition here..... but now we don't allow assistance to those who want to end their suffering with rational legal help.

They have to do it alone or lose control over the dignity of their own death. There is a site in Switzerland that was on PBS Frontline called "Dignitas" that considers and may assist a person who travels there for help in leaving this life with their own rational choices confirmed and honored.

We all know people who need assistance from those COURAGEOUS enough to face and talk about life and death OPENLY....vs. the usual common social taboos & fears and PC limitations to talking about what is so unwanted, feared, denied and made to seem and be much worse than need be...

[you may want to also see Becker's "Denial of Death" and the many books by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross well as books more recently written describing Hospice & Palliative care too...available at your local library, bookstore or on-line ....and become help those you love and care for and yourself as well.]

We presume you, READER, are also one of these who Dare to Know and Act Honestly too , of course !

"No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly.
When we kn ow this we become free. FEAR is always an anticipation of what has NOT yet come.
GREED & FEAR are our national Pass-times.

(c) Maryjanie 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

WIKILEAKS needs every thinking person's SUPPORT please

To hear more info than on mass-media-abbreviated-censored-News, you may want to listen on line elsewhere too, to hear more and more thorough info and details that are 'over-looked' elsewhere..... like at :

and see their transcript pages for slower-absorbing what has been said also

Amy Goodman interviews people we dint hear about elsewhere much like real hackers or other reporters from the Guardian and other 2 newspapers who agreed to expose WIKILEAKS info at same time all together to validate
or at least EXPOSE the info ...

before other sources shut them down or try to invalidate all that is 'not relevant' or 'too dangerous ' or ' government-owned' aka censored and controlled general information that the American Public 'should not know" because we are too dumb, violent, stupid, and in debt over our heads so we cant think straight either.....duh

and one of the hack experts on radio here spoke about their hacker magazine and conference, some of which info may be found on these websites, if you want to know MORE.

The interviewee was named after a "1984 " character' who was called " an enemy of the people but actually was a fictitious person = a creation of the government" instead. We may need to re-read that very old 'novel' so relevant in parts for today.

there were key words mentioned that caught my attention : like "I am not an informant but a witness"

" we didnt keep logs of sources or records, so cannot be reviewed or turned over when a legitimate warrant is issued for exposing those who contribute information and their IP addresses cannot be retrieved...." while still researching the validity and legitimacy of the info rec'd, too.

and that Wikileaks " is not 1 person but an unknown number of people all around the globe... with servers all over the world..."

[ and thus remain out of the hands of those who want to censor, control information, restrict "freedom" of speech or the Internet too, imprison those who dint obey all the establishment's created rules, and....more ...]

so who is a whistle blower ?

a person who 'follows their own conscience" over the norm, or established orders by political groups ?

Who is a critical thinker ? One who explores and seeks other answers than the one most often easily given...for the general public's consumption...?

Who is to be trusted with they say, repeatedly, "THE TRUTH is..." whatever they want to present....or "THE REAL STORY is..." which is usually whatever benefits them more than others ?

As if only 1 truth and 1 reality exists that they will tell us what it is and we must believe them because they claim that power ? huh?

How do we find out what else we are not entitled to know ? Because we are dumbed down and thus dangerous ? and why ?

The courage, daring and rebellious behaviors of this latest "leak" of what may be unnecessarily kept as "sensitive information" or are denied as having any "new " relevance to reduce their impact is actually a way to CREATE MORE FEAR and simultaneously DENY the cover ups excessively kept and done when Freedom of Information Act requests are denied or blacked out repeatedly for years and years.

for politicians to claim that it is "old information only" to them, means they have read it all already and dismissed or used it ? but that "us" does not include all those who also have a
vital interest or even a family member in the military.....and that "us" do not know or have ACCESS to information that is being passed-off as "old" to them.

How haughty and arrogant to claim the government "OF THE PEOPLE" can always hide any and everything inconvenient or embarrassing to some .

To pretend that any information The People also NEED TO KNOW and should not be open, transparent, available, or accessible except to those Top Secret Security Cleared obviously a decision and judgement that needs to be QUESTIONNED...
again....and again... and again....

Secrets are a way to insure POWER and CORRUPTIONS, as without Transparency any acts and subversions can be hidden and done with impunity.

Why is the little public person - who votes, pays taxes, obeys the laws, etc. - is so invaded intrusively for data mining daily ....and their whereabouts monitored by cameras, face identification info, ...with their DNA and more personal data kept but hidden....and when the big mega-organizations want to keep their intrusive acts and biases and all done Under Cover... for their own profit and power-gaining purposes, of course .

What makes any politician think the American People still TRUST them and their machinations, corruptions, unethical acts [repeated and unpunished too] are just going to say, OK, you do it all for me without my input or feedback or knowledge of what is being done "in my name". huh ?

So as the debates continue, hopefully, more will act 'in their own ethical consciences' and not out of fear, threat, intimidation and extortion that surrounds each person...with a job, or a home, or anything of value they must protect, even a family.

How can WE EACH SUPPORT OR INFORM OTHERS that we want to KNOW MORE..? Can we each write or call someone else to Support these actions of Wikipedia and others who INFORM us openly and freely, as opposed to the rules of "obey" and "hide" and "do not discuss"....

and can we all let those who have done everyone else a favor by penetrating the hidden agendas of big businesses, corporations, governments [all plural and multiple] , can we thank them for this "news" .... by writing on blogs, emails, chatting and telling others that we want more TRANSPARENT people with powers over our lives and use of our taxes....

that we want more PARTICIPATION in our governments' decisions and actions too

that we want more AGREEING to our opinions and input, i.e. what the majority said about bank bail-outs, and war expenditures, or the spending of our money for their elections, unreasonable salaries and compensations.... et al....

that we are those "the American People" they talk about - but they hardly listen to - unless we bribe them.... or obey 'them' ..... or follow the rules set by other powerful men with their affiliates in this USA creating and having more wars, more killing, continued lying, increased stealing, secret colluding, deliberately attacking, and taking from any 'others' , and more and more hurting of all humans on this planet too, all the rest of the damages done to all living beings here on earth.

Do you want to help create and allow more Freedom of Speech and More free flow of information to everyone who lives in this globally-connected planet ?

or do you prefer personal 'safety' and 'security' holding on to the old stuff accumulated, as promised by those who wield the guns now and claim they are 'only working in our behalf',...of course . do you ?

(c) maryjanie 2010

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

from the google site above, there are many more pages for your EXPOSE and learnings also:
2600: The Hacker Quarterly
  1. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly. Current issue: Summer 2010. NOW ON STANDS ...CONFERENCE ... -
  2. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    2600 has established the H.O.P.E. (Hackers On Planet Earth) conferences as well as monthly meetings in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, ... -
  3. Computer security conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A Hacker conference, also known as hacker cons, is a term that describes a ... ToorCon, San Diego hacker convention that emerged from the 2600 user group ... -
  4. The Next HOPE, July 16-18, 2010

    The Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) Conferences. ... Beyond The Welding Hour and The Next Hope posters available for $25 at the 2600 store on the 18th floor. ... we can connect with you on-site at the conference if your topic is selected ...

WIKILEAKS needs every thinking person's SUPPORT please !

To hear more info than on mass-media-abbreviated-censored-News, you may want to listen on line elsewhere too, to hear more and more thorough info and details that are 'over-looked' elsewhere..... like at :
and see their transcript pages for slower-absorbing what has been said also

Amy Goodman interviews people we dint hear about elsewhere much like real hackers or other reporters from the Guardian and other 2 newspapers who agreed to expose Wikileaks info at same time all together to validate
or at least EXPOSE the info ...

before other sources shut them down or try to invalidate all that is
'not relevant' or 'too dangerous ' or ' government-owned' aka censored
and controlled general information that the American Public 'should not know" because we are too dumb, violent, stupid, and in debt over our heads so we cant think straight either.....duh

and one of the hack experts on radio here spoke about their hacker magazine and conference, some of which info may be found on these websites, if you want to know MORE.

The interviewee was named after a "1984 " character' who was called " an enemy of the people but actually was a fictitious person = a creation of the government" instead. We may need to re-read that very old 'novel' so relevant in parts for today!

there were key words mentioned that caught my attention : like
"I am not an informant but a witness"

" we didnt keep logs of sources or records, so cannot be reviewed or turned over when a legitimate warrant is issued for exposing those who contribute information and their IP addresses cannot be retrieved...." while still researching the validity and legitimacy of the info rec'd, too.

and that Wikileaks " is not 1 person but an unknown number of people all around the globe... with servers all over the world..."

[ and thus remain out of the hands of those who want to censor, control information, restrict "freedom" of speech or the Internet too, imprison those who dint obey all the establishment's created rules, and....more ...]

so who is a whistle blower ?

a person who 'follows their own conscience" over the norm, or established orders by political groups ?

Who is a critical thinker ? One who explores and seeks other answers than the one most often easily given...for the general public's consumption...?

Who is to be trusted with they say, repeatedly, "THE TRUTH is..." whatever they want to present....or "THE REAL STORY is..." which is usually whatever benefits them more than others ?

As if only 1 truth and 1 reality exists that they will tell us what it is and we must believe them because they claim that power ? huh?

How do we find out what else we are not entitled to know ? Because we are dumbed down and thus dangerous ? and why ?

The courage, daring and rebellious behaviors of this latest "leak" of what may be unnecessarily kept as "sensitive information" or are denied as having any "new " relevance to reduce their impact is actually a way to CREATE MORE FEAR and simultaneously DENY the cover ups excessively kept and done when Freedom of Information Act requests are denied or blacked out repeatedly for years and years.

for polititians to claim that it is "old information only" to them, means they have read it all already and dismissed or used it ? but that "us" does not include all those who also have a
vital interest or even a family member in the military.....and that "us" do not know or have ACCESS to information that is being passed-off as "old" to them.

How haughty and arrogant to claim the goverment "OF THE PEOPLE" can always hide any and everything inconvenient or embarassing to some !

To pretend that any information The People also NEED TO KNOW and should not be open, transparent, available, or accessible except to those Top Secret Security Cleared obviously a decision and judgement that needs to be QUESTIONNED...
again....and again... and again....

Secrets are a way to insure POWER and CORRUPTIONS, as without Transparency any acts and subversions can be hidden and done with impunity.

Why is the little public person - who votes, pays taxes, obeys the laws, etc. - is so invaded intrusively for data mining daily ....and their whereabouts monitored by cameras, face identification info, ...with their DNA and more personal data kept but hidden....and when the big mega-organizations want to keep their intrusive acts and biases amd all done Under Cover... for their own profit and power-gaining purposes, of course !

What makes any politician think the American People still TRUST them and their machinations, corruptions, unethical acts [repeated and unpunished too] are just going to say, OK, you do it all for me without my input or feedback or knowledge of what is being done "in my name". huh ?

So as the debates continue, hopefully, more will act 'in their own ethical consciences' and not out of fear, threat, intimidation and extortion that surrounds each person...with a job, or a home, or anything of value they must protect, even a family.

How can WE EACH SUPPORT OR INFORM OTHERS that we want to KNOW MORE..? Can we each write or call someone else to Support these actions of Wikipedia and others who INFORM us openly and freely, as opposed to the rules of "obey" and "hide" and "do not discuss"....

and can we all let those who have done everyone else a favor by penetrating the hidden agendas of big businesses, corporations, governments [all plural and multiple] , can we thank them for this "news" .... by writing on blogs, emails, chatting and telling others that we want more TRANSPARENT people with powers over our lives and use of our taxes....

that we want more PARTICIPATION in our governments' decisions and actions too

that we want more AGREEING to our opinions and input, ie what the majority said about bank baillouts, and war expenditures, or the spending of our money for their elections, unreasonable salaries and compensations.... et al....

that we are those "the American People" they talk about - but they hardly listen to - unless we bribe them.... or obey 'them' ..... or follow the rules set by other powerful men with their affiliates in this USA creating and having more wars, more killing, continued lying, increased stealing, secret colluding, deliberately attacking, and taking from any 'others' , and more and more hurting of all humans on this planet too, all the rest of the damages done to all living beings here on earth.

Do you want to help create and allow more Freedom of Speech and More free flow of information to everyone who lives in this globally-connected planet ?

or do you prefer personal 'safety' and 'security' holding on to the old stuff accumulated, as promised by those who wield the guns now and claim they are 'only working in our behalf',...of course ! do you ?

(c) maryjanie 2010

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

from the google site above, there are many more pages for your EXPOSE and learnings also:
2600: The Hacker Quarterly
  1. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly. Current issue: Summer 2010. NOW ON STANDS! ...CONFERENCE ... -
  2. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    2600 has established the H.O.P.E. (Hackers On Planet Earth) conferences as well as monthly meetings in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, ... -
  3. Computer security conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A Hacker conference, also known as hacker cons, is a term that describes a ... ToorCon, San Diego hacker convention that emerged from the 2600 user group ... -
  4. The Next HOPE, July 16-18, 2010

    The Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) Conferences. ... Beyond The Welding Hour and The Next Hope posters available for $25 at the 2600 store on the 18th floor. ... we can connect with you on-site at the conference if your topic is selected ...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

USA corruptions galore, take your pick and then do something else....

Have you read about these political corruptions done in The American
People's" name?


[ from a Move On org mailing]

You might have heard this: BP is so well connected in Washington that even after being cited for 760 different safety and environmental violations, the company still got environmental waivers for the Deepwater Horizon rig that's now destroying the Gulf.1

But BP's not alone in using its DC influence. Check out the list below of other companies' outrages—then pass it along. And be sure to sign our new Fight Washington Corruption Pledge to support 3 key measures that will protect our democracy from corporate lobbyists!

1. Exxon Mobil made billions in profits, and yet paid not one dime in federal income taxes in 2009.2

2. The 2005 energy bill had a little known provision, commonly called the Halliburton's Loophole, which exempted natural gas drilling from the Clean Water Act. The result? Water so contaminated that you can light it on fire.3

3. Massey Energy was cited more than 2400 times for safety violations in its mines, but chose not to fix potentially lethal problems because low penalties meant it was cheaper to simply keep paying the fines. This spring, 29 miners were killed in an underground explosion at a Massey mine in West Virginia.4

4. Michael Taylor was the FDA official who approved the use of Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone in dairy cows (even though it's banned in most countries and linked to cancer). After approving it, he left the FDA—to work for Monsanto. Until last year, when he moved back to the government—as President Obama's "Food Safety Czar." No joke.5

5. Internal Toyota documents outline how the company was successful in limiting regulators actions in the recalls last year—saving hundreds of millions while the death toll continued to climb.6

6. GE and its lobbyists—including 33 former government employees—have successfully lobbied Congress to override Defense Department requests to cancel a GE contract to work on a new engine for the Joint Strike Fighter jet. GE will need $2.9 billion to finish the project.7

7. Top executives at 9 top banks including Citibank, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley paid themselves over $20 billion dollars in bonuses just weeks after taxpayers bailed them out to the tune of 700 billion dollars.8

8. During the waning days of the Bush administration, officials responded to a long-term lobbying campain by pre-empting product liability lawsuits for dozens of whole industries. They bypassed Congress entirely and rewrote rules ranging from seatbelt manufacturing regulations to prescription drug safety.9

9. Sunscreen manufacturers including Johnson & Johnson and Schering-Plough, in the interest of profits, are opposing an FDA proposal requiring full reporting on sunscreen labels. The New York Times just confirmed that current SPF ratings don't even measure sun rays that cause cancer.10

10. BP—a company with a record of 760 drilling safety and environmental violations—was granted safety waivers in order to operate the deepwater drilling rig that ultimately created the worst environmental disaster in US history.1

Mad yet? Sign the pledge here and we'll pass your name on to your member of Congress, and ask them to Fight Washington Corruption too.

repeated msg but important please: PLEASE !
if you like to pass this forward or you can COPY & PASTE - whatever you wish to send further And remember it’s better to send using "BCC" if to more than 1 person rather than the "TO" which spreads other's addresses into spam .
.... Thanx.

Privacy is important !

You can use the Move On link above

or write or call any govt representative [if they DO represent you, that is ] or just pass on info so everyone else also knows again what is actually GOING DOWN, not "on"... we need to remember how powerless we have been leveled down to ground and maybe need a POLITICAL revolution,
a revolt,
stand UP,
Inform everyone about what YOU know and think and learn
just do something instead of being depressed and silent

so ,,,,make your own label pin, placard, business-like cards to distribute, or sign put on your front door and your car window [removable or corrected any time ]
any size and your OWN statement personal and political
WITHOUT FEAR OF RETALIATION, no shame nor embarrassment
just SAY IT ...whatever...we don’t have to agree or like each other
just respect our individual free speech

make this 4th celebration to EMPOWER YOURSELF
not be afraid, anxious, worried, scared, depressed
instead be ANGRY appropriately [didnt JC thoow down those monied tables somewhere and shout a bit at those he didnt agree with too ? be more like that or take a popular model and use it to do what YOU think can help and make any positive CHANGES.

and oh yes, forget "hope' and do "active movement" of any kind instead. Every little bit, every word, every intention manifested helps a tiny bit.

Remeber, you are never alone in what you want or think or do, tho you may not know or like those who may be allies anyhow.

[and PRIVACY COUNTS so keep my address out of your own exhortations. ]

Make your own statements and motions and feel worthy and valuable and purposeful by doing something, anything other than being passive and complacent.

And also.. be my about what is done in your name and with your money...and let me know what you do and how we all can work and help EACH OTHER TOGETHER in any way, even if it is just reassurances, acceptance, and thanks.

Be radical, be bold, be couragous, be alive and dont let them get us down.

yeah !
that's the spirit and symbolism of this 4th of July.
for real changes
make it your own way
you count
us together
yeah !

"No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly. When we know this we become free. FEAR is always an anticipation of what has NOT yet come. FEAR is our gross national product & export.

"wherever you are is home, and earth is a sacred place"

{c} maryjanie 2010