Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rent Control in LA still rises, not to worry renters can pay more still .....

Also see a comment on LA Rents article which contains this COMMENT: original article:

Los Angeles Right to Housing Collective Fights for Tenant Rights
Los Angeles Community Action Network http://la.indymedia.org/news/2010/05/239243.php

The lies that "rents have gone down" does not include anyone who has been a renter in 1 location ...because no landowner has ever lowered the rent previously required.

Maybe a few places new renters are paying less than those who leased on before, where rents were raised higher and higher by greedy landowner BUSINESSmen, maybe. If over-priced and then lowered to what renters can afford to pay, then only have rents been lowered in any way...from dream rents to real rents...

but anyone who lives in a rental, has not paid less than any month before to retain them...especially if responsible, decent renter is there, maybe a smile or a 'hello , maybe not even that, but the CUMULATIVE RISE adding up each year makes the doubling of rents in the last 20 years... tho no one has had their actual earnings rise like that w/o being criminal...like landowners are legally being.

The ceiling with Rent Control is to keep even the greediest from sending everyone out of Los Angeles because they cant find work here and cant pay exorbitant rents.

Elders, seniors, disabled are paying 80% of their income or 100% on rent alone, no counting utilities. I am. Food banks are saviors and do not increase their fees yearly. The old lie that 'dont pay more than 30% of income on shelter/ home/ rent" has long ago been found to not be realistic.

The homeowners apartment owners associations with their attorneys and PR depts sell our politicians convenient lies like "they need to spend time monitoring the interests on the security deposits collected from renters' which is Work they have to recompensed for. Read the Rent Control reasons for why they keep increasing the same old same OLD falling apart apartments, with minimum repairs legally required done only.

And apt owners are IMPROVING THEIR OWN PROPERTIES when repairs are made, which increases or keeps their values for themselves, yet want to charge renters for these repairs in any and every way.

who are these same old greedy un-compassionate and uncaring BUSINESS OWNERS claiming they need to increase their profits every single year ? yep. apt owners....

and on Pat Morrison KPCC show, they framed themselves as "mom and pop businesses"...how many of those poor ole folk own buildings worth at least over $500,000 now ? huh?

such liars, greedy people with no 'customer service' skills and who hide behind voice mail only and post office box addresses to boot !

no requirement to be reachable directly in Rent Control laws either. What is fair in LA ? only in Pomona, the animals on display."

Please write / call / communicate your needs and concerns to LA RENT CONTROL office and to your Los Angeles City Councilperson any time of year, and express your outrage or worry or suggestion or comment directly. They need to hear more than from apt. bldg owners and their lawyers and hired guns.

{c} maryjanie 2010