Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Repost article re WIKILEAKS from here

this is a REPOSTING for information contained in article, looking for reality and truth here too:

w/o fully investigating the source--writing group. INFORMATION that has value can be written by anyone....regardless of their other affiliations tho these need to be taken into consideration and noted. Enemies, allies, strangers, friends and family can provide "kernels of truths" and "parts of the story" that have something to offer.

This is not endorsement of the group writing the material below or its writers, beliefs, or other actions....this is reposting this article for the revealed information contained therein only.

even if not always 100% accurate, as "facts" are well known to be mostly mis-perceived and constructed by personal biases...

Please : see known research re court witnesses testimonies and psychological studies showing that most witness/ reporters Believe what they THINK saw or perceived...or say it was as 'honest & true" regardless of what other documentation may later display.

Even technology and documentation can be faulty, misused, and manipulated, so where are "facts" if not in what we AGREE to believe is True..for now...anyhow.

so gather what may sound real or true enough for now, until more is revealed about the spokesman for Wikileaks, about the US government's over-reach and influence with other nation states, about all nations' self serving slants and propagandas, about the alliances of corporations, lobbyists and government elected/ selected officials that rule & reign over 'the rest of us folk'.

and drop what seems unbelievable for now...until more is revealed, as it can be.

comments above are (C) by Mary Janie 2010

reposted below from:

Free Julian Assange! Hands Off WikiLeaks!

by Internationalist Group Saturday, Dec. 11, 2010 at 7:38 AM 212-460-0983 Box 3321, Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008 USA
The December 7 arrest in London of Julian Assange, the founder and editor-in-chief of the Internet investigative site WikiLeaks, is a threat to freedom of the press and an attempt to silence critics who expose the bloody deeds of imperialism.

We are convinced, along with many others, that Assange is innocent of the trumped up accusations of the crimes of rape and sexual molestation that are being manipulated by Swedish authorities to request his detention and extradition. His main accuser is an anti-Communist social-democratic operative. It is clear that sinister forces are pushing the persecution of this courageous man, and his life could be in danger. The criminal forces who are behind this frame-up are first and foremost, the United States government of Barack Obama and its military and spy agencies.

They seek to silence whistleblowers who have not only caused them diplomatic embarrassment but also lifted a corner of the veil on Washington’s Murder, Inc. We demand that Assange be freed, that all charges against him be dropped, including those now being prepared and that Private Bradley Manning, accused of leaking documents that incriminate the U.S., be freed as well. December 2010

Sinister Attack on WikiLeaks to Cover Up Imperialist Crimes

Free Julian Assange! Drop All Charges Assange, presenting WikiLeaks' release of files on Afghanistan war in London, July 2 2010

The December 7 arrest in London of Julian Assange, the founder and editor-in-chief of the Internet investigative site WikiLeaks, is a threat to freedom of the press and an attempt to silence critics who expose the bloody deeds of imperialism. We are convinced, along with many others, that Assange is innocent of the trumped up accusations of the crimes of rape and sexual molestation that are being manipulated by Swedish authorities to request his detention and extradition. It is clear that sinister forces are pushing the persecution of this courageous man, and his life could be in danger.

We have no hesitation in naming the criminal forces who are behind this frame-up: first and foremost, the United States government of Barack Obama and its military and spy agencies. They have enlisted U.S. corporations such as Amazon, MasterCard, PayPal and others, Swiss banks and the complaisant Swedish, British and Australian governments in their war on WikiLeaks. They seek to silence whistleblowers who have not only caused them diplomatic embarrassment but also lifted a corner of the veil on Washington’s Murder, Inc. If the would-be masters of the world cannot stop the leakage of information through judicial/police methods, they will surely resort to other means.

Despite the arrest of its leader, the shutdown of some of its websites by service providers due to U.S. threats and cutoff of donations by payments companies, WikiLeaks has vowed to keep publishing. It is urgent that all defenders of civil liberties and opponents of imperialist war stand up in defense of Julian Assange, demanding that he be immediately freed and that all charges against him be dropped, including those that are in the works. It is also necessary to defend his comrades who are at risk for their dedication to shining a light into the dark corners where the capitalist rulers hide their dirty secrets. And we must oppose all efforts by the U.S. and its allies to enact gag laws to enforce police-state controls. We demand: Hands off WikiLeaks!

For the last nine months, U.S. imperialism has been smarting over a series of revelations of a small proportion of its crimes by WikiLeaks. The website won global fame and attention when it released the video “Collateral Murder” last April, showing the crews of U.S. helicopter gunships nonchalantly mowing down with machine-gun and rocket fire two reporters, several first aid responders and even children in Baghdad in 2007. Millions of viewers watched in horror as they saw the massacre unfold before their eyes.

The Pentagon, stung by the worldwide outrage, responded by arresting Private First Class Bradley Manning, a military intelligence analyst stationed in the Iraqi capital, charging him with leaking the incriminating footage. In our article, “Defend PFC Bradley Manning!” (The Internationalist No. 31, Summer 2010), we wrote:

“If Bradley Manning did indeed help to uncover evidence of U.S. imperialism’s war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, and if he did try to bring to light the secret dealings of U.S. diplomats and spies, these were justified acts evidencing rare moral courage. Class-conscious workers and all defenders of democratic rights should hail Manning as a hero. Exposing U.S. imperialism’s crimes and tearing the curtain of secrecy from its plots can save the lives of innocent people by helping to put an end to the Pentagon’s reign of terror in Afghanistan, Iraq and around the world.”

We also warned that Julian Assange, the founder and editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, was at risk of arrest or even assassination: “Make no mistake, Julian Assange is in real danger from the same imperialist war criminals that have Bradley Manning in a military jail. Hands off Julian Assange and WikiLeaks!

In July, WikiLeaks followed up by releasing over 90,000 documents from the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan spanning the six-year period from 2004 through 2009. The Afghanistan War Logs were provided in advance to several leading news media, including the New York Times, the London Guardian and the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel, which published excerpts. Naturally, the Times downplayed some of the most egregious war crimes – for example, suppressing a story by its correspondent on the hit squads of Task Force 373, professional assassins responsible for numerous massacres in Afghanistan – alleging lack of space and other implausible excuses. Der Spiegel (26 July), at least, put the story on its cover.

In October, Wikileaks released 350,000 documents about the Iraq war, showing, as Assange summarized them, that it was “a bloodbath on every corner.” It also documented 15,000 civilian deaths that the U.S. never publicly admitted. Then at the end of November, WikiLeaks began releasing documents from a trove of 251,000 secret State Department and CIA cables. As rad-lib journalist Alexander Cockburn noted in an article titled “Julian Assange: Wanted by the Empire, Dead or Alive” (Counterpunch, 3-5 December), the “communications released by WikiLeaks contain no earth-shaking disclosures that undermine the security of the American empire.” The latest stash of documents published so far mainly illustrate the prejudices and stupidities of the diplomatic corps. Most of the yelps are coming from the governments being reported on, not from the U.S. If anything, as a columnist for an Israeli liberal Zionist paper noted:

“They depict the fall of the American empire, the decline of a superpower that ruled the world by dint of its military and economic supremacy…. The days when American ambassadors were received in world capitals as ‘high commissioners’ are long since gone. The diplomats who wrote the WikiLeaks documents are tired bureaucrats: Nobody rises in their honor and clicks their heels when they enter a room. They spend their days listening wearily to their hosts’ talking points, never reminding them who is the superpower and who the client state that needs military or financial aid from America.”

–Aluf Benn, “WikiLeaks Cables Tell the Story of An Empire in Decline,” Haaretz, 1 December

That certainly describes Israel’s dismissal of any pressure from the Obama administration.

No doubt, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton felt put-upon to excuse U.S. envoys’ denigrating comments about their “allies,” and to explain why the Foreign Service and even ambassadors had been tasked with ferreting out the cellphone, credit card and frequent flier numbers of their counterparts. Or to explain about the list of facilities in other countries that the U.S. considers its own (“critical foreign dependencies”). Moscow was irate about a secret NATO treaty to defend Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. “Against whom else could such a defense be intended? Against Sweden, Finland, Greenland, Iceland? Against polar bears, or against the Russian bear?” asked the Russian ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin. Russian president Dmitry Medvedev suggested perhaps Assange should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

U.S.spokesmen keep repeating that the leaks will get their secret informants killed, for which there is not a shred of evidence. After getting heat for releasing the names of Afghan informers collaborating with the NATO occupiers (what about the identities of Nazi collaborators in occupied Europe?), WikiLeaks is so intent on appearing responsible that it has taken to excising the names of such covert operatives themselves. At least former CIA agent Philip Agee named names when he broke with “The Company” in the 1960s. Still, official Washington is fit to be tied. Democrats and Republicans alike fear that the U.S.’ ability to dictate to the world will be gravely compromised unless it clamps down on “unauthorized disclosures.” “The empire can’t exist without secrecy,” said Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers history of the Vietnam War, in defending Assange and WikiLeaks.

Democrat Diane Feinstein, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, notorious for covering up CIA torture, called for Assange to be prosecuted under the 1917 Espionage Act. Democratic turncoat Joe Lieberman, head of the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee, wants to investigate the New York Times as well. And Attorney General Eric Holder vows to “close the gaps in current U.S. legislation” by enacting new laws infringing on freedom of speech. But that may take some time. They yearn for an Official Secrets Act like in Britain, so they could stop publication of anything by slapping a “D Notice”on it. They wish they were back in the post-9/11 days when they rammed through the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act with a near-unanimous vote before anyone bothered to read it.

For now, they want to defame the WikiLeaks founder, to take away Assange’s moral authority by smearing him so that he looks dirtier than they are – a pretty tall order. So we get this persecution on sex charges. Not prosecution yet, for curiously no charges have been filed. In fact, the allegations against him were not even described to Assange and his lawyers before he was arrested on an Interpol alert and held for deportation to Sweden. No evidence has ever been presented. Everything about this legal vendetta stinks to high heaven of state provocation. Briefly:

  • Assange is supposedly being held only for questioning. Yet he stayed in Sweden for 40 days after the allegations were first made, seeking to speak to the prosecutor, who would not see him and finally let him leave the country legally. He offered to be questioned at the Swedish embassy in London, to no avail.

  • The allegations were first made on August 20 by a prosecutor in Stockholm. But, as Assange’s attorney in London, Mark Stephens, said in an interview with Channel 4 News (7 December), “the most senior prosecutor in all of Sweden looked at them, and she said there is not a shred of evidence here that warrants an investigation” of rape or sexual harassment. So in less than a day, the main accusations against him were dropped.
  • Weeks went by, and then “a politician got involved with these women and took them off to another prosecutor, in Gothenberg, and we’re now seeing these warrants coming out suspiciously close in time to the date of the release of the cables.” This kind of “witch-hunt,” Stephens said, suggests that this affair is “politically motivated, there are darker forces at work.”

Indeed there are. And what are those “darker forces?” the interviewer asks. Assange’s lawyer responds that “Sweden is one of those lickspittle states that allowed for ‘extraordinary rendition’ and torture flights to go through their country.” Good point. Not only did Sweden dispatch asylum seekers to Egypt where they were imprisoned, beaten and tortured, as well as allowing CIA “rendition” flights, under Prime Minister Göran Perrson of the Social-Democratic Labor Party (SAP), despite its professed neutrality, Sweden sent troops to join in the occupation of Afghanistan.

This points to the crucial social-democratic connection in this affair.Sweden’s social democracy has long been a handmaiden of U.S. intelligence agencies. During the 1980s, much of the CIA’s clandestine aid to the anti-Soviet Polish Solidarność was channeled through Sweden with the blessing of SAP prime minister Olaf Palme. This was hardly novel. The CIA financed social-democratic parties throughout Western Europe after World War II in order to break their wartime alliances with the pro-Moscow Communist parties. It is particularly significant in the case of Assange, because the politician/lawyer who contacted the prosecutor in Göteborg was Claes Börgstrom, who is the SAP’s chief spokesman on gender equality issues.

This brings us to Anna Ardin, one of the two women who made the accusations against Assange. Ardin is a well-known feminist activist who was a gender equality officer for Uppsala University, the Harvard of Sweden. She is also the press secretary of the Christian Social Democratic Association, commonly referred to as the Brotherhood Movement. Former prime minister Persson is likewise a member of this association. Anna Ardin worked at the Swedish embassy in Buenos Aires for a time when the Social Democrats were in power, and also reportedly at the Swedish embassy in the U.S. But most particularly, Ardin has been active on the issue of Cuba, as a social-democratic operative keeping in touch with anti-Castro “dissidents” (see box on “Anna Ardin’s Gusano Connection”).

Anna Ardin was the person who invited Julian Assange to speak at the Stockholm meeting on August 14, hosted by the Christian Social Democrat Brotherhood organization. An article by Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett (“Assange Bersieged,” Counterpunch, 14 September) noted that while Assange went to Stockholm hoping to shield WikiLeaks from legal persecution, “the moment Julian sought the protection of Swedish media law, the CIA immediately threatened to discontinue intelligence sharing with SEPO, the Swedish Secret Service.” It turns out that Ardin has a brother who works in Swedish intelligence, and who was a liaison in Washington to U.S. spy agencies. Nothing but a strange coincidence?

Ardin offered to let Assange stay at her flat, and the night before the meeting they had sex. This sure smells like a classic intelligence agency “honey trap,” but with a Swedish twist. The usual pattern is to lure the target into bed with an attractive woman, photograph the tryst and then use the pictures to blackmail the mark into cooperating. In this case, after the sex come accusations of rape and howls about male chauvinism. At this point it’s sounding like the plot of a Stieg Larssen novel, perhaps “Wikileaks: The Man Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest,” as the London Guardian (8 December) titled its editorial.

Although no formal charges have been brought, or evidence presented, the content of the prosecution dossier against Assange were handed over to a major Swedish tabloid, Aftonbladet, which published a special supplement detailing the accusations. The affidavit read in court in London provided some detail of the allegations, but although it claimed to buttress accusations of a sexual assault, they could also be interpreted as “a frivolous case of miscommunication during consenting sex acts,” as the Toronto Globe & Mail (7 December) put it. There are numerous aspects that cast doubt on the claims by the two women.

Ardin now asserts that Assange has a “warped view of womanhood and can’t take no for an answer.” Yet by all accounts their sexual encounter was consensual, although apparently the condom split. Still, the two appeared to be on friendly terms at the meeting the next day. That same day Ardin twice posted “tweets” on her accounts gushing about “Julian” and a party she threw for him, telling the world at 2 a.m. that she was “with the world’s coolest smartest people, it’s amazing.” Later, when she went to the police she deleted the tweets from one account, but forgot another. In any case, cybersleuths retrieved them from the Google cache.1

The second woman admits that she actively pursued Assange, landing an invitation to the meeting, sitting in the front row, hanging around afterward like a groupie to get invited to dinner, calling him repeatedly for two days, then taking him home where they had sex in the evening, and again in the morning, first with a condom then without. They parted amicably. She asked Assange if he would call again, he says he would. But two days later when he didn’t, she called Ardin to say she was worried about getting pregnant or a sexually transmitted disease. Earlier both women sent out text messages that police describe as “exculpatory” toward Assange. Now the two text each other about going to the scandal sheet Expressen to get back at him.

Then they go to the police. The second woman tells police that Assange “had sex with her against her wishes” while she was asleep. Ardin now tells the police that Assange “deliberately” ripped the condom during their sexual encounter. The police officer and prosecutor on duty classify the former as rape, the latter as sexual molestation, and open an investigation (only to have it dropped in 24 hours, and then suspiciously reopened weeks later). Details of the case are immediately leaked. Editors are tipped off, top reporters are called in the middle of the night to hop on the story. By the next morning it is splashed across the pages of Sweden’s tabloid press. Within a day the news is shot around the world via the Internet.

That there was calculation here seems clear. Ardin’s deletion of the “tweets” from her blogs looks like an effort to make her story more plausible. Call it cover-up. The fact that the women don’t make a formal complaint and let the police do it shows that the Uppsala gender equity officer knows how the law works. Is there more to it? On her blog, Ardin has posted a “Seven-Step Program for Getting Revenge,” for women whose boyfriends have been unfaithful. Step 7: “Ensure that your victim will suffer the same way he made you suffer.” That much they have achieved, whether it’s what they were after or not: Assange is certainly suffering now.

Assange is accused of (but not yet charged with) rape, sexual molestation, and molestation. Rape is an extremely serious crime, overwhelmingly against women, involving violence and coercion. For centuries, women have been intimidated from bringing charges of rape, fearing that they will be subjected to humiliation, or far worse persecution (as in U.S.-occupied Afghanistan, where a woman who has been raped can be stoned to death for her “sin”). However, under Swedish law, a complaint of sex without a condom can be the basis for a charge of rape – of the lowest of three categories, which is what is alleged against Assange (but which still carries a sentence of up to four years in jail). This trivializes the horrible nature of this crime. And as spokesman for the British group Woman Against Rape wrote to the Guardian (9 December):

“Many women in both Sweden and Britain will wonder at the unusual zeal with which Julian Assange is being pursued for rape allegations…. Though Sweden has the highest per capita number of reported rapes in Europe and these have quadrupled in the last 20 years, conviction rates have decreased…. In 2006 six people were convicted of rape though almost 4,000 people were reported….

“There is a long tradition of the use of rape and sexual assault for political agendas that have nothing to do with women’s safety. In the south of the US, the lynching of black men was often justified on grounds that they had raped [the Scottsboro Boys] or even looked [Emmett Till] at a white woman. Women don't take kindly to our demand for safety being misused, while rape continues to be neglected at best or protected at worst.”

Criminal cases involving sex are notoriously difficult and messy (often no witnesses, complex relations between the individuals). However, in this case it is evident that there was no violence or coercion. None has been alleged, and whatever they may have felt afterwards, indications are the sex was consensual at the time. Add to this the judicial mishandling of the case: immediately leaking it to the press, switching prosecutors in order to reinstate the investigation, refusing to meet with Assange, then demanding his extradition. Throw in a connection with intelligence agencies, and Cold War anti-Communist connections via Swedish social democracy. Plus the overriding determination of the U.S. empire to strike back at, and shut down, WikiLeaks.

The conclusion can only be that Julian Assange is the victim of a political frame-up. The purpose of that frame-up: to staunch the flow of information about imperialism’s crimes and machinations.

Was it a “honey trap”? Was it two women who felt they had been wronged getting “revenge”? We don’t know. At the very least, the two are being used by sinister forces who will use any excuse to nail the founder of WikiLeaks: start by defaming him, and go from there.

Julian Assange is not guilty of rape, but there is plenty of serious criminality here. There have been highly publicized death threats against the WikiLeaks founder. A former aide to Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper, Tom Flanagan, said on CBC Television that “Assange should be assassinated.” Former Nixon staffer and convicted Watergate criminal G. Gordon Liddy says that Assange should be put on a “kill list.” Conservative pundit William Kristol calls to “neutralize Assange and his collaborators.” Another, Jonah Goldberg, asks “Why isn’t Julian Assange dead?” A Washington Times columnist calls to “treat Mr Assange the same way as other high-value terrorist targets: Kill him.”

People who make such death threats should be behind bars. They would be if they made them against top capitalist politicians. But they won’t be when they are made against the man who is No. 1 on the Obama administration’s “enemies list.” Moreover, while liberal luminaries headed up by Noam Chomsky are circulating an open letter to Australian prime minister Julian Gillard citing these threats by vicariously murderous conservatives, the real danger to Assange comes from the liberal Democrats now wielding state power in the U.S. – and from their “lick-spittle” social-democratic allies, and partners in war crimes in Afghanistan, from Australian Labor Party to Swedish social democracy.

Assange is in potentially mortal danger. As the material published by WikiLeaks shows, and as he is well aware, the U.S. government is in the assassination business big time. It has multiple apparatuses to “terminate” opponents “with extreme prejudice,” as the Nixonians used to put it. Alexander Cockburn recently published excerpts from the CIA’s 1950s “how to” guide to pushing people out of windows. Then there was the Reagan administration’s illustrated Everyman’s Guide to “Selective Violence,” issued in Spanish for the Nicaraguan contras and subsequently translated into Arabic for use by Al Qaeda. Or the Bush administration’s secret Waterboarding for Dummies memos. One way or another, the masters of American imperialism would dearly like to “take out” the troublesome website’s founder and editor-in-chief.

The work that WikiLeaks has been doing has been useful in exposing a tiny proportion of the bloody crimes of U.S. rulers. But there should be no illusion that “leakers” from within the government will ever be able to show in all its horror what the imperialists are up to. For that, it will be necessary to carry out a revolution, as in October 1917 when the Russian workers seized power, and opened the archives and the dungeons of the tsarist autocracy. Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky was named Commissar for Foreign Affairs and proceeded to publish the secret treaties of the tsar and the other Great Powers. Only when U.S. imperialism is brought down by international socialist revolution will we be able to really delve into the vast secrets of Washington and Langley.

For now, it is urgent to demand that Assange be immediately freed and all charges against him be dropped, and that Bradley Manning be freed. They will be awarded their justly earned medals for uncommon valor, and the war criminals brought to justice, when the workers rule. ■

1 “Assange Case: Evidence Destroyed Over and Over Again,” Radsoft, 1 October.

Anna Ardin’s Gusano Connection

It has been known for some time that Anna Ardin, one of the accusers against WikiLeaks founder Julian Asange, has been involved with counterrevolutionary anti-Castro dissidents in Cuba (see the article by Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett, “Assange Besieged,” Counterpunch, 14 September). Shamir and Bennett called attention to articles by Ardin denouncing the “dictator Fidel Castro,” which appeared on the website of the Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas,1 a well-funded anti-Communist exile outfit based in Sweden which puts out a glossy magazine, Misceláneas de Cuba.

Ardin’s anti-Communist articles speculating about prospects for Cuba when the “dictator Fidel Castro” dies highlight the Corriente Socialista Democrática Cubana,2 one of the numerous Cuban “dissident” groups bankrolled by the U.S. government. A main spokesman for the Corriente is Miami-based exile Orlando Patterson, who specializes is bashing the Cuban regime for racism.3 The Corriente was founded in 1992 as an expression inside Cuba of the exile Cuban Democratic Platform (PDC) of Carlos Alberto Montaner4, a notorious CIA agent. In 2008, after several years of infighting in the tiny fragmented Cuban social-democrátic milieu, the Coordinadora founded the Acro Progresista.5

Shamir and Bennet also report that:

“In Cuba she interacted with the feminist anti-Castro group Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White). This group receives US government funds and the convicted anti-communist terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is a friend and supporter. Wikipedia quotes Hebe de Bonafini, president of the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo as saying that ‘the so-called Ladies in White defend the terrorism of the United States’.”6

Now important new information has come to light. According to Juan Tamayo writing in the Miami Herald (8 December), “Ardin visited Cuba about four times between 2002 and 2006 as a representative of Swedish social democrats, said Manuel Cuesta Morua, head of Cuba's Arco Progresista, a social-democratic dissident group.” Her masters thesis, Tamayo reports, was on the subject, “The Cuban Multi-Party System. Is the democratic alternative really democratic and an alternative after the Castro regime?” What he doesn’t mention is that Ardin was expelled from Cuba for her activities with the pro-imperialist gusanos (worms).

While giving no political support to the Castro regime, which is introducing measures which greatly strengthen pro-capitalist tendencies, Trotskyists resolutely defend the bureaucratically deformed Cuban workers state against imperialism and internal counterrevolution, whether from such U.S.-funded “dissidents” or from within the bureaucracy. Cuban social democracy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the CIA, and those who aid it are doing the work of the Yankee imperialists.

Ardin is no babe in the woods. Four visits in four years, “as a representative of Sweish social democrats”: Ardin is up to her neck in the swamp of anti-Communist subversion in Cuba, and not just as a wide-eyed tourist. So much so that, according to the Hearld article, an annoyed Cuesta Morúa complained that she “wrongly alleged that some European funds for Cuban dissidents had been mishandled.” Question: How would she even know to make such an accusation, accurate or not? Answer: She was tasked to do so, she was acting as their control.

The main accuser of Julian Assange, is an anti-Communist social-democratic operative.

1 For a Spanish translation of Ardin’s January 2005 articles, see and

2 For information about the Corriente’s subversive activities in Cuba and ties to the U.S. embassy in Havana, see the book by Rosa Miriam Elizalde and Luis Báez, The Dissidents (Havana, 2003).

3 For a denunciation of U.S. government sponsorship of counterrevolutionary Cuban blacks, including Patterson and Carlos Moore, see the article by Esteban Morales Domínguez, “El tema racial y la subversión anticubana” in La Jiribilla, 8 September 2007.

4 Carlos Alberto Montaner, son of a major in the army of dictator Fulgencio Batista, was convicted in Cuba of terrorist action in 1962, and after escaping was selected by the CIA for training in Fort Benning, Georgia. He operates out of Madrid, posing as a “moderate” opposition to the Castro regime, more palatable to European social-democratic and liberal sensibilities. But his Cuban Democratic Platform (PDC) is bankrolled by the U.S. (via the National Endowment for Democracy) and he participates in various enterprises with the Cuban American National Foundation (FNCA) of hard-line batistiano exiles in Miami, including the RECE (Cuban Exile Representation). The notorious CIA terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is also part of the PDC.

5 In addition to the Corriente, the other main component of the Arco is the Coordinadora Social-Demócrata Cubana, an exile group even more closely associated with the CIA and one of the founding components of Montaner’s Democratic Platform.

6 Luis Posada Carriles is a Cuban-born terrorist and CIA agent who in 1963-64 was trained in sabotage and the use of explosives at the U.S. Army’s base at Fort Benning (the same period when Montaner was there). Operating out of Venezuela, he was responsible for – and convicted of – bombing a Cubana de Aviación airliner in October 1976, killing 73 people, including an entire sports team. After escaping from prison, in the 1980s, he was involved in the U.S.’ clandestine supply of arms to the Nicaraguan contras. In 1997 he organized a dozen bombings in Havana aimed at discouraging the tourist trade. In 2000, he was arrested in Panama with 200 pounds of explosives and convicted of attempting to assassinate Fidel Castro. Pardoned by Panama in 2004, he now lives comfortably, protected from deportation in the U.S., where he marches together with Cuban American pop singer Gloria Estefan in Miami demonstrations for the damas de blanco. The damas receive $1,500 a month from Rescate Jurídica [Legal Rescue], the foundation of Santiago Alvarez Fernández-Magriña, who is also Carillo Posadas’ financier (Machetera, 26 March 2010). Estefan’s father was a bodyguard for the dictator Batista.

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HURRAY for courageous Wikileakers and more coming !

see article as it appears also in

by MARY JANIE Thursday, Dec. 09, 2010 at 4:12 PM
Wki-leaks has done what many of us wish we could...

OPEN UP THE WORLD OF misinformation, lies, deceits, manipulations, fake diplomacy, propaganda and allllll that is spoken, written that is "not in our name" appropriate. Wow, some of us are very impressed and want these computer workers SUPPORTED, complimented, helped, and given any and every service or help we can each offer...

to keep them doing the good work they have been so dedicated to providing to all "the people" including "the American People" too... good ! work ! help protect and increase Free Speech as exposure is not intended to harm but REVEAL what is being done for us that is hurtful and against most of us.

This attempt at FREEING information from those who claim power because they can secret information, emails, disinformation and all manipulative propaganda pulls out my full admiration for all who work at WIKILEAKS.

see Reuters article on this at :
for example "Analysis: WikiLeaks battle a new amateur face of cyber war?"

also see Amy Goodman's website for transcripts of interview with Assange and updates

see KPCC, KPFK, BBC and other sites also for more updates as they keep shifting and turning and exposing the fears aroused in those who thought they were the only authorities !

The individual characters or personal motivations for rebelling against the opaque and guarded stories, the perpetual lies, the twisted talk, the never-answering- directly-nor-clearly...the people's own personal perfections is not what is important

but the goal to FREE the truth from those who personally secretly benefit only themselves and their kin is commendable.

The power to do whatever it takes w/o physical human/ animal/plant violence is a new twist in our 'current affairs' the nation-state govts prefer "WAR" and killings, maimings, destruction to helping us all make choices over our own lives and futures.

The cyber challenges are not "WAR" as it actually exists in so many places for so many eras...that is the name preferred by those who profit and gain by actual war tactics and the losses of others. Why do drama kings like to always use words like "battle" and "war" instead of more accurate meaningful words...just to get a rise that they cant get otherwise ? huh?

The "amateur" label is diminishing but not accurate either. Professional is not by degrees, titles, wealth, purchases or length of knowledge but by ABILITY to perform well, with damaging others in the process.

Professional is not a description "given" by another hoarding authority but by proof that anyone can perform well, as well as those who want to claim the only privileges of being top and competent only for themselves.

The hackers [bad choice of words again,] are computer experts who are not employed by the usual corporations, tho some may be, and the people who KNOW HOW TO DO WHAT IS NECESSARY to share freedom of information and uncover the lies, deceits, cover-ups, withholding and mis-use of surveillance-gained private information are our heroes [male and female[.

And those who have 'other' professional expertise, as in law, in writing skills, in advertising manipulations used for POSITIVE instead of profit gains 'for the public' are also included in those who have not joined ranks with Wikileaks.

Finally an act of courage, a risk to face those who claim ownership of us all and our information [that is suppose to be 'ours' nit no longer so. Those who have the POWER to DEFINE or label us, anyone, can twist, turn, change or control those they word-over.

They claim authority. But when more of the people, of any nation-state-tribe, can claim to KNOW their own names, terms, acts, and where their money is spent...aha...that is a new world, not a new 'order' but a clever chaos that can now provide more options and choices to all

even those who cannot yet 'read' or get on 'internet' but are equally affected by what those who write can do to take from them too.

welcome to a New World, with less of the Old Ordered by limited so-owned authorities who hoard so much for themselves alone, including information about us and that affects us alllllll...

yeah !

and P S how many fancy long-termed elected USA & other officials have been in 'sex' scandals and continued to keep their lobby-paid positions anyhow?

and a serious COMMENT on another Wikileaks article there also:

terrific info ! thanks [for a listing of many cables and sites to access the revealed information made available by Wikileaks many cohorts/ workers/helpers]

by mary janie Thursday, Dec. 09, 2010 at 4:30 PM

More people need to stop being passive NOW
when courageous writers and supporters of FREE SPEECH

take tactiction, tactics+action with daring and expertise
that encourages the rest of us humble writers to do something

it could be anything helpful
BE SUPPORTIVE if you believe in what is claimed as free country with free speech as ideals not yet delivered...

share whatever professional or work expertise you can do

help the attorneys

the computer experts

the funders

the media that elsewhere needs to hear your supportive Comments ON blogs, or in media articles on Wikileaks

call your friends and tell them to learn more about what is changing [finally 1 more piece] of their old world [orders]

help children do school assignments covering current news topic everyone else is talking about

give articles and sites to friends in emails, by sending a nice helpful card reminding them that we are all in this together and no one gets out alive either !

promote the parts you appreciate and discard the parts you dont, but share and contribute to the EXPOSURE that is now newly possible

and whatever else DO NOT FEAR because the fear mongers are out in full force with threats, accusations, blaming, and twisting stories, even encouraging someone "else" to do murder and assassinations for them !

what does this tell you about who and what we are now ??

for a while
and stop pretending denial is so convenient and safe.
it no longer is
has not been for a long time

if you can or dare

(C) maryjanie 2010

and 2nd comment at same site

WHEN SUSPICION REIGNS nothing else can ever be done good enough...

by mary janie Friday, Dec. 10, 2010 at 3:09 PM
While paranoid suspicious cynical thinking and comments sound like some 'superior
minded' person has all the dismal answers, and can find every reason to find fault in every action or attempt to improve anything in this world or another

these comments may be interesting, or even have a grain of truth but these comments are not the End of the Story nor the WHOLE TRUTH to be believed or relied upon either.
this "it cant be done" or "it can never be improved" or "what is the use, they already won / have control ...etc.etc.etc " =defeatist attitude are depressive's answer to their assumed POWER LESS NESS.

better to just die away than do anything is their solution WRONG...again...for others who want every change, every chaos, every action to count, no matter which "side" exerts the effort
such phenomena as "unintended consequences" , unpredictable experiments, trial and errors, and every action may have a unexpected re-action are daily occurrences that do not give "hope" but provide assurance than the plans of any human is highly flawed and many dont like to admit these facts of daily life.

so Wikileaks is maybe partly at attempt to CONFRONT powers that think they hold all the secrets, power, and ties and negotiations...or is also infiltrated by CIA types of any nation-state spies [too many movies contaminate clear thinking you know ] ....and everything anyone does may be surveiled and kept as nanodata somewhere but so what ?

Wikileaks did a commendable skill-full act and many are glad for this new opportunity to LEARN MORE.

most people are not "serious researchers" and do not or did not have access to review info .. wikileaks just provided 'the masses'..which is us,,,, and the above commenter too...superior tho "Friday" [another negative comment writer there] likes to apparently think of him/ or her self...

they are worldly wiser than the rest of us...sorry to deflate that illusion.
to berate and find fault is so easy and critics have sprouted like fruit flies all having now SOMETHING TO SAY TO MAKE THEMSELVES IMPORTANT on the backs of those who courageously shared info that was not publicly available before.

I hate that...the plagerizers, users, manipulators who use Wikileaks now to pretend they know more and better than anyone by being "critic".. because they could not and did not DO ANYTHING of value themselves ...abuse of headline news to provide PR for themselves ! ugh.
and sooooo many are daily 'commenting' as if they owned the store and were doing valued inventory...huh?

and improving nothing nor providing any further useful information either !!!
oh well, such is the world of public words, even these... Wikileaks started this conversation and they get the credit, not the commentators, critics, fault-finders after them.

we are all using info put on the backs of those who went before us with doing an act of Public Courage and Risk

and they are attempting to be useful to transparentize the obfuscative...
how's that for clarity ? Thank you to all work who work for more Open Public Clarity in government, finances, corporations of any kind, businesses, institutions, etc. All use the
secrecy clause to further themselves at "others" expense with hiding info.

So dont be warned by dooms attituded writers who want to berate all actions as not vital and as betrayals. Take action and Do More with what we've Got, so far, no matter who is imperfect, not 100% altruistic but still serves a function of providing what we had not had before....leaked info, withheld from The American People by their own paid-for representatives.

(C) maryjanie 2010

see these links for more actual revealed updated information =
CBS News - 530 related articles
Greenwald quits CREW over WikiLeaks‎ - Politico (blog) - 2 related articles

while these voices may be more forthright than most others blasting & blaring the governments' cover up slants and attempts by the Powerful-now to hide from "The American People" and thus people of the Globe entirely what they chose to spin to their advantage.

It is imperative that the NEED TO KNOW the truth or as close to it as is honestly possible to be, that censorship by those who hold media purse-strings and by those whose alliances create hidden collusions intended to profit those rich-powered-people[groups-ONLY at the cost of lives lost in wars, lives cost in unemployments, lives lost in lies, and worse.

Please keep our country as FREE as is possible, uncensored and true to the ideals of both the founders of a nation that has grown into a spin-factory instead of led by honorable-intentioned people, not sooo long ago. The current USA population assumes erroneously that all being advertised is actual neutral "news" instead of propaganda intended to keep the powered in their elite positions of dominance and greed.

Let the truths, all of the varieties of TRUTH-S there actually are, come OUT, be REVEALED, discussed, disputed, analyzed, commented upon, reviewed some more and not revised to fit any selected point of view or specially selected few who want to Run This Show...being re-elected to reigning government[s] and back into "big business" profiteers.

Let us help keep this nation as honest, free and truth-full as is possible, never 100% but with so little being allowed to "leak" out to our public viewing, it is now TIME TO EXPOSE what has been so carefully hidden, misused and advertised as "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" when it has NOT BEEN SO for sooo too long.

the mass media who are continually making-up slanted corporate-profitable claims that are= dramatized, ,
exaggeratedly threatened accusations ,
making illegally & politically misinformed claims of revenge,
attempting to patronize the humiliated governments & their fake diplomats,

(C) mary janie 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How come banks are still overcharging while pretending to be 'reformed' ?

More news that needs to be repeated and seen, this one refers to only one MORE bank doing whatever they can for profits regardless of the costs in public confidence or trust of their customers, as they lose them to their greedy schemes to once more 'game' The American Public.

Must be that bank officials and owners think of the customer public as "stupid" enough and illiterate to keep on agreeing to their continual unethical maneuvers and newly created ways to CHARGE MORE in fees and take away prior promises of 'good services'.

Each bank or financial institution that plays these games AGAINST it's own earning-base, the customers that utilize their services instead of another businesses' [yes, banks and other financial groups are all just businesses with same frauds, fake promises, small print almost-illegal charges,and almost no regulation by what we hoped was OUR government agencies.

Here is another example, one of many that are more often now coming to light and into the news and awareness of us all:

Heard on NPR = KPCC radio on 8/12/2010, but also can be heard or read in their archives:

Pat Morrison's KPCC Guest: Leslie Parrish, Senior Researcher "Center for Responsible Lending" [see this non-profit's site below too]

re debit & overdraft fees their article in general:

and this org. just commended Bank of America for stopping this unethical over charging customers that other banks do Chase definitely does ! = see CRL-Applauds-Bank-of-America-s- Decision-to-Stop.html

[and yet....see a comment copied below about B of A doing this same charging anyhow from an individual writing KPCC blog ]and for more of KPCC's other people's comments are also located on this page=

[this is a reposting of KPPC's pgrm description :]

"Searching for another reason to hate banks? How about Wells Fargo racking in $1.8 billion in overdraft fees? Rather than charging for bounced checks, the bank allowed customers to overspend their funds and tacked on hundreds of dollars in fees by manipulating the transactions from largest to smallest. A federal judge ruled on Tuesday that Wells Fargo owes its California customers $203 million, spearheading the way for federal laws regulating overdraft fees. But what does this mean for the other banks being sued for playing this same dirty game?"

[a comment found on KPCC page]=

by Cara "My experience is most banks utilize this manipulative practice. It is certainly the case with Bank of America and I am wondering why Wells Fargo has been singled out regarding this illegal practice? As a B of A customer, I utilize their on-line banking system and have had occasion to print the transaction page that includes your account balance with each transaction. Only to look on-line the following day (typically in the morning) to find each of the transactions from the previous day were re-ordered and paid differently - the final balance would be the same but the per transaction balance was different due to the re-ordering. If a customer has miscalculated at any point, the reordering of the transactions can create multiple overdrafts and the bank assesses fees accordingly. Why is only Wells penalized for this practice?"

[another comment says ]:
"Because the bank enters debits before credits, I got hit with NSF charges which takes an act of Congress to get reversed."

Lots of other comments commend the CREDIT UNIONS vs. big banks...or prefer smaller banks that treat them less egregiously.

see KPCC's site for other people's comments later or listen in today at about 1 pm to 89.3 favorite radio station...

surely Well Fargo bank is not the only bank doing this almost-fraudulent charging for what is not needed to prevent extra fees being charged.... and yes, other banks have "offered" and even pushed for getting consent to overdraft protections to better LINE THEIR POCKETS unnecessarily, as investigative reporters have now told us...because we don't even Understand the fine print...being as it is confusing and hard to read, most in legalese instead of plain English, done deliberating !!!

"No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly. When we know this we become free. FEAR is always an anticipation of what has NOT yet come. GREED & FEAR are our national Pass-times.

(c) maryjanie 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Before "DEATH" it is time to plan, act, learn, help ....

This information for those who may need to be more responsible and take control over the life they have left this information is a doctor who talks openly and describes un-discussed topics well. He is well interviewed by best NPR person - Terry Gross and has written both an article in the New Yorker [august 2 2010] and a book too.

Here we have googled to get info, so select what you may want to share with anyone...even if they are not [yet] terminal but even with having any serious illness, cancer, old age.. No one ever knows how 'terminal' they are, or when their death-day emerges, suddenly sometimes, slowly at others.

It is much better to be aware, be prepared and become in charge - as best one can be. Before guilty-fearful-conformist relatives or the state government takes control and then it is too late to make one's one choices.

Choice is our word for "free will" too. As much as can be had at any given moment....

Do others a Favor too ! Share this information as you see appropriate. The actions taken and
the rest is up to each individual to take care of how they live or mess up the rest of what time is left



which describes the interview briefly in printed words

and to see
Dr. Atul Gawande's words in an article, which may be on-line later :"his article "Letting Go" in the Aug. 2 2010 New Yorker magazine. [You can also have your own hard copy by buying the magazine or a subscription]

[a related but side issue was also noted on KPCC radio page:]
Montana 3rd state to allow doctor-assisted suicide (1/1/10)

Too bad CALIFORNIA was too scared though there were 45% of voters who said yes years ago when it was a proposition here..... but now we don't allow assistance to those who want to end their suffering with rational legal help.

They have to do it alone or lose control over the dignity of their own death. There is a site in Switzerland that was on PBS Frontline called "Dignitas" that considers and may assist a person who travels there for help in leaving this life with their own rational choices confirmed and honored.

We all know people who need assistance from those COURAGEOUS enough to face and talk about life and death OPENLY....vs. the usual common social taboos & fears and PC limitations to talking about what is so unwanted, feared, denied and made to seem and be much worse than need be...

[you may want to also see Becker's "Denial of Death" and the many books by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross well as books more recently written describing Hospice & Palliative care too...available at your local library, bookstore or on-line ....and become help those you love and care for and yourself as well.]

We presume you, READER, are also one of these who Dare to Know and Act Honestly too , of course !

"No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly.
When we kn ow this we become free. FEAR is always an anticipation of what has NOT yet come.
GREED & FEAR are our national Pass-times.

(c) Maryjanie 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

WIKILEAKS needs every thinking person's SUPPORT please

To hear more info than on mass-media-abbreviated-censored-News, you may want to listen on line elsewhere too, to hear more and more thorough info and details that are 'over-looked' elsewhere..... like at :

and see their transcript pages for slower-absorbing what has been said also

Amy Goodman interviews people we dint hear about elsewhere much like real hackers or other reporters from the Guardian and other 2 newspapers who agreed to expose WIKILEAKS info at same time all together to validate
or at least EXPOSE the info ...

before other sources shut them down or try to invalidate all that is 'not relevant' or 'too dangerous ' or ' government-owned' aka censored and controlled general information that the American Public 'should not know" because we are too dumb, violent, stupid, and in debt over our heads so we cant think straight either.....duh

and one of the hack experts on radio here spoke about their hacker magazine and conference, some of which info may be found on these websites, if you want to know MORE.

The interviewee was named after a "1984 " character' who was called " an enemy of the people but actually was a fictitious person = a creation of the government" instead. We may need to re-read that very old 'novel' so relevant in parts for today.

there were key words mentioned that caught my attention : like "I am not an informant but a witness"

" we didnt keep logs of sources or records, so cannot be reviewed or turned over when a legitimate warrant is issued for exposing those who contribute information and their IP addresses cannot be retrieved...." while still researching the validity and legitimacy of the info rec'd, too.

and that Wikileaks " is not 1 person but an unknown number of people all around the globe... with servers all over the world..."

[ and thus remain out of the hands of those who want to censor, control information, restrict "freedom" of speech or the Internet too, imprison those who dint obey all the establishment's created rules, and....more ...]

so who is a whistle blower ?

a person who 'follows their own conscience" over the norm, or established orders by political groups ?

Who is a critical thinker ? One who explores and seeks other answers than the one most often easily given...for the general public's consumption...?

Who is to be trusted with they say, repeatedly, "THE TRUTH is..." whatever they want to present....or "THE REAL STORY is..." which is usually whatever benefits them more than others ?

As if only 1 truth and 1 reality exists that they will tell us what it is and we must believe them because they claim that power ? huh?

How do we find out what else we are not entitled to know ? Because we are dumbed down and thus dangerous ? and why ?

The courage, daring and rebellious behaviors of this latest "leak" of what may be unnecessarily kept as "sensitive information" or are denied as having any "new " relevance to reduce their impact is actually a way to CREATE MORE FEAR and simultaneously DENY the cover ups excessively kept and done when Freedom of Information Act requests are denied or blacked out repeatedly for years and years.

for politicians to claim that it is "old information only" to them, means they have read it all already and dismissed or used it ? but that "us" does not include all those who also have a
vital interest or even a family member in the military.....and that "us" do not know or have ACCESS to information that is being passed-off as "old" to them.

How haughty and arrogant to claim the government "OF THE PEOPLE" can always hide any and everything inconvenient or embarrassing to some .

To pretend that any information The People also NEED TO KNOW and should not be open, transparent, available, or accessible except to those Top Secret Security Cleared obviously a decision and judgement that needs to be QUESTIONNED...
again....and again... and again....

Secrets are a way to insure POWER and CORRUPTIONS, as without Transparency any acts and subversions can be hidden and done with impunity.

Why is the little public person - who votes, pays taxes, obeys the laws, etc. - is so invaded intrusively for data mining daily ....and their whereabouts monitored by cameras, face identification info, ...with their DNA and more personal data kept but hidden....and when the big mega-organizations want to keep their intrusive acts and biases and all done Under Cover... for their own profit and power-gaining purposes, of course .

What makes any politician think the American People still TRUST them and their machinations, corruptions, unethical acts [repeated and unpunished too] are just going to say, OK, you do it all for me without my input or feedback or knowledge of what is being done "in my name". huh ?

So as the debates continue, hopefully, more will act 'in their own ethical consciences' and not out of fear, threat, intimidation and extortion that surrounds each person...with a job, or a home, or anything of value they must protect, even a family.

How can WE EACH SUPPORT OR INFORM OTHERS that we want to KNOW MORE..? Can we each write or call someone else to Support these actions of Wikipedia and others who INFORM us openly and freely, as opposed to the rules of "obey" and "hide" and "do not discuss"....

and can we all let those who have done everyone else a favor by penetrating the hidden agendas of big businesses, corporations, governments [all plural and multiple] , can we thank them for this "news" .... by writing on blogs, emails, chatting and telling others that we want more TRANSPARENT people with powers over our lives and use of our taxes....

that we want more PARTICIPATION in our governments' decisions and actions too

that we want more AGREEING to our opinions and input, i.e. what the majority said about bank bail-outs, and war expenditures, or the spending of our money for their elections, unreasonable salaries and compensations.... et al....

that we are those "the American People" they talk about - but they hardly listen to - unless we bribe them.... or obey 'them' ..... or follow the rules set by other powerful men with their affiliates in this USA creating and having more wars, more killing, continued lying, increased stealing, secret colluding, deliberately attacking, and taking from any 'others' , and more and more hurting of all humans on this planet too, all the rest of the damages done to all living beings here on earth.

Do you want to help create and allow more Freedom of Speech and More free flow of information to everyone who lives in this globally-connected planet ?

or do you prefer personal 'safety' and 'security' holding on to the old stuff accumulated, as promised by those who wield the guns now and claim they are 'only working in our behalf',...of course . do you ?

(c) maryjanie 2010

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

from the google site above, there are many more pages for your EXPOSE and learnings also:
2600: The Hacker Quarterly
  1. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly. Current issue: Summer 2010. NOW ON STANDS ...CONFERENCE ... -
  2. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    2600 has established the H.O.P.E. (Hackers On Planet Earth) conferences as well as monthly meetings in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, ... -
  3. Computer security conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A Hacker conference, also known as hacker cons, is a term that describes a ... ToorCon, San Diego hacker convention that emerged from the 2600 user group ... -
  4. The Next HOPE, July 16-18, 2010

    The Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) Conferences. ... Beyond The Welding Hour and The Next Hope posters available for $25 at the 2600 store on the 18th floor. ... we can connect with you on-site at the conference if your topic is selected ...

WIKILEAKS needs every thinking person's SUPPORT please !

To hear more info than on mass-media-abbreviated-censored-News, you may want to listen on line elsewhere too, to hear more and more thorough info and details that are 'over-looked' elsewhere..... like at :
and see their transcript pages for slower-absorbing what has been said also

Amy Goodman interviews people we dint hear about elsewhere much like real hackers or other reporters from the Guardian and other 2 newspapers who agreed to expose Wikileaks info at same time all together to validate
or at least EXPOSE the info ...

before other sources shut them down or try to invalidate all that is
'not relevant' or 'too dangerous ' or ' government-owned' aka censored
and controlled general information that the American Public 'should not know" because we are too dumb, violent, stupid, and in debt over our heads so we cant think straight either.....duh

and one of the hack experts on radio here spoke about their hacker magazine and conference, some of which info may be found on these websites, if you want to know MORE.

The interviewee was named after a "1984 " character' who was called " an enemy of the people but actually was a fictitious person = a creation of the government" instead. We may need to re-read that very old 'novel' so relevant in parts for today!

there were key words mentioned that caught my attention : like
"I am not an informant but a witness"

" we didnt keep logs of sources or records, so cannot be reviewed or turned over when a legitimate warrant is issued for exposing those who contribute information and their IP addresses cannot be retrieved...." while still researching the validity and legitimacy of the info rec'd, too.

and that Wikileaks " is not 1 person but an unknown number of people all around the globe... with servers all over the world..."

[ and thus remain out of the hands of those who want to censor, control information, restrict "freedom" of speech or the Internet too, imprison those who dint obey all the establishment's created rules, and....more ...]

so who is a whistle blower ?

a person who 'follows their own conscience" over the norm, or established orders by political groups ?

Who is a critical thinker ? One who explores and seeks other answers than the one most often easily given...for the general public's consumption...?

Who is to be trusted with they say, repeatedly, "THE TRUTH is..." whatever they want to present....or "THE REAL STORY is..." which is usually whatever benefits them more than others ?

As if only 1 truth and 1 reality exists that they will tell us what it is and we must believe them because they claim that power ? huh?

How do we find out what else we are not entitled to know ? Because we are dumbed down and thus dangerous ? and why ?

The courage, daring and rebellious behaviors of this latest "leak" of what may be unnecessarily kept as "sensitive information" or are denied as having any "new " relevance to reduce their impact is actually a way to CREATE MORE FEAR and simultaneously DENY the cover ups excessively kept and done when Freedom of Information Act requests are denied or blacked out repeatedly for years and years.

for polititians to claim that it is "old information only" to them, means they have read it all already and dismissed or used it ? but that "us" does not include all those who also have a
vital interest or even a family member in the military.....and that "us" do not know or have ACCESS to information that is being passed-off as "old" to them.

How haughty and arrogant to claim the goverment "OF THE PEOPLE" can always hide any and everything inconvenient or embarassing to some !

To pretend that any information The People also NEED TO KNOW and should not be open, transparent, available, or accessible except to those Top Secret Security Cleared obviously a decision and judgement that needs to be QUESTIONNED...
again....and again... and again....

Secrets are a way to insure POWER and CORRUPTIONS, as without Transparency any acts and subversions can be hidden and done with impunity.

Why is the little public person - who votes, pays taxes, obeys the laws, etc. - is so invaded intrusively for data mining daily ....and their whereabouts monitored by cameras, face identification info, ...with their DNA and more personal data kept but hidden....and when the big mega-organizations want to keep their intrusive acts and biases amd all done Under Cover... for their own profit and power-gaining purposes, of course !

What makes any politician think the American People still TRUST them and their machinations, corruptions, unethical acts [repeated and unpunished too] are just going to say, OK, you do it all for me without my input or feedback or knowledge of what is being done "in my name". huh ?

So as the debates continue, hopefully, more will act 'in their own ethical consciences' and not out of fear, threat, intimidation and extortion that surrounds each person...with a job, or a home, or anything of value they must protect, even a family.

How can WE EACH SUPPORT OR INFORM OTHERS that we want to KNOW MORE..? Can we each write or call someone else to Support these actions of Wikipedia and others who INFORM us openly and freely, as opposed to the rules of "obey" and "hide" and "do not discuss"....

and can we all let those who have done everyone else a favor by penetrating the hidden agendas of big businesses, corporations, governments [all plural and multiple] , can we thank them for this "news" .... by writing on blogs, emails, chatting and telling others that we want more TRANSPARENT people with powers over our lives and use of our taxes....

that we want more PARTICIPATION in our governments' decisions and actions too

that we want more AGREEING to our opinions and input, ie what the majority said about bank baillouts, and war expenditures, or the spending of our money for their elections, unreasonable salaries and compensations.... et al....

that we are those "the American People" they talk about - but they hardly listen to - unless we bribe them.... or obey 'them' ..... or follow the rules set by other powerful men with their affiliates in this USA creating and having more wars, more killing, continued lying, increased stealing, secret colluding, deliberately attacking, and taking from any 'others' , and more and more hurting of all humans on this planet too, all the rest of the damages done to all living beings here on earth.

Do you want to help create and allow more Freedom of Speech and More free flow of information to everyone who lives in this globally-connected planet ?

or do you prefer personal 'safety' and 'security' holding on to the old stuff accumulated, as promised by those who wield the guns now and claim they are 'only working in our behalf',...of course ! do you ?

(c) maryjanie 2010

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

from the google site above, there are many more pages for your EXPOSE and learnings also:
2600: The Hacker Quarterly
  1. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly. Current issue: Summer 2010. NOW ON STANDS! ...CONFERENCE ... -
  2. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    2600 has established the H.O.P.E. (Hackers On Planet Earth) conferences as well as monthly meetings in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, ... -
  3. Computer security conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A Hacker conference, also known as hacker cons, is a term that describes a ... ToorCon, San Diego hacker convention that emerged from the 2600 user group ... -
  4. The Next HOPE, July 16-18, 2010

    The Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) Conferences. ... Beyond The Welding Hour and The Next Hope posters available for $25 at the 2600 store on the 18th floor. ... we can connect with you on-site at the conference if your topic is selected ...