Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do you know this man ?

this is someone who is hiding behind your CASH and bank account and credit card company. Do you recognize him ?


He is your neighbor or in your adjacent neighborhood driving fancy cars, hiding behind tinted windows, behind the 'normal guy' facade, in the fanciest restaurants and bars, frequenting 'call girls and upscale whorehouses' anonymously and his kids go to schools that you envy and can't afford.

Called BANKSTERS, short for "gangsters" or "mafia" facsimiles, these most men, are ambitious, ruthless, greedy and getting it all by bribing and colluding with your favorite politicians.

Do you know him ? sometimes he looks like a girl, but is really manly in ambitions and game-playing-selfishly.

Turn him in to the.....'regulators' ?
or they one and the same in-group ?

He already has your numbers, all of them...social security #, your password, ATM, bank and credit card [shared information amongst business associates as listed in the small print you sign in to get an account or card ]

In fact, you may never see him alive or in person.

But for sure you have already...and will continue to feel his influence constantly ... to see his workings on your money...your earnings...your savings...your government...your mortgage or home-owner...your store owner, etc. etc.

(C) 2010 maryjanie

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