dear readers:
please listen carefully to what is NOT being said and what is 'created' as if it was "news", but for some obscure but imaginable reasons that are not healthy for us all..... chose what to believe and research for not believe and obey as most around you do...foolishly.
just this morning while waiting for my 4 new tires to be put on, TV was on at that station with California's Main PH man called Fielding [a UCLA person too] doing Q&A at a press conference for over 1/2 hr... he is a Public Health top guy...[google him for info on him and his pronouncements too ]
he said in CA there are NO cases of "swine" flu, but a few of the usual regular flu...
Fielding said masks dont do anything worthwhile...
he said wash hands well [use nail brush or old tooth brush if necessary] more often hard is that ? which is a very old hygienic routine and good habit, at all times
alcohol prep packets are convenient and being sold out of stores...
soapy water in small bottle is also antiseptic and cheaper too....
baby wipes stored in purse, bag or in car are convenient..or a small roll of paper towels stuffed in ...or whatever...a sheet if need be, something that makes life safer and maybe saner too.
move away from anyone coughing [that's easy, everyone will run out of room with you ! ] ...
then YOU can take your mother to Bingo, or your kids to a movie or dance class, and live a relatively ordinary life still now...
AND everyone can even wear cotton gloves if they want, for dramatic fashion reasons mostly,
and you can take alcohol in little bottle to clean off all chips, cards, railings, seats, keyboards, and cups..clean off every or any object once more ...[ whether it is necessary doesnt matter, but it is dramatic and intended to look like you are doing some magical killing of bugs & viruses anyhow - creating a safer, cleaner world for us all ]
and not believe in this "pandemic" =meaning it spreads far "pan" - googled it:
"pandemic (of a disease) affecting persons over a wide geographical area; extensively epidemic from Collins Discovery Encyclopedia 2005"
but also look at BBC maps, updated to see just how many "reported" and "suspected" cases...and see that they are mostly "mild" and hardly anyone yet has died,
more people daily die in any town's traffic accidents today by far...
and from hospital bugs contaminating the healthy patients too...
so see more real statistics if you dont believe me !!!!
and stop your whole family & friends from having to worry about getting the flu which is common enough every year any where ... anyone can catch cold, flu, e coli, other bacteria & viruses that are all over all the preventatives are possible !!!! sorry.
if you talk to doctors [who know nothing more or even less than you do cuz they also watch TV and they have no more up-to-date info.. cuz now it is available to all of us via internet from CDC ...and we have time to check it out...while they are so busy collecting their new clients now....besides, the doctors' main concerns are to be careful about THEIR OWN MALPRACTICE SUITS.
so they always caution extraordinarily so they cant ever be "blamed" later...which tells us that this does not mean greater expertise in current events... they are good at giving out prescriptions and cutting when necessary...much is old-school common sense and the air of expertise you pay them well for. Not all bad, just not at all god-like or all-knowing either.
it means they cover their own reputations and love to be needed and then paid, cuz they do bill Medicare or Medicaid or your expensive insurance for every action taken - phone call as well as your visit...nothing much for free with them...
and they love the attention and business !!!
so see CDC guidelines as updated for your area....
see what is real and what all most is HYPE and fear mongering ...
yes, continual and explosive and exponential....fear selling on every level....political, economic, now health and next....?
it has not stopped but escalated continually for many years now...terrorists, red-yellow alerts, Military and Dept of Defense & Homeland Security, et al, their need to cover their budgets to keep getting more money from taxpayers- who are putting their cash into Govt budgets - all for bigger planes and more military, agricultural big farm subsidies, and more national security and surveillance too ?
and yes, the need for "more service volunteers" from young people , who are being turned into military-like "corps", that will be used for created-emergencies that surely will soon arise.... no, this is not just a conspiracy thought, but when reading about the visible actions currently being taken openly to flood this country with more surveillance, and with those becoming oh ever so loyal to the govt [not their local community or neighbors ], these forces may be used for purposes we do not want to imagine now... [see those who were recruited to vote for this prez and those who are still 'working' for him now...huh ? see how many unemployed youth and others are being pushed into volunteer corps and minimal paid workers, resembling para-military in uniforms, regulations, and followership].
and all the continual PR campaigning the prez is still doing to keep those loyal to stick by him...almost reverentially....isn't this the way to create not a democracy of free thinkers but a narrow minded large-sized-band / mob of enforcers of only one way of thinking & believing ??
what do you think fear does ?
it promotes obedience, it promotes belonging.. insure some safety in numbers, with others who may help...or not...
it promotes blind following,
it creates more of itself..fears expand and contaminate all thought & emotions,
fear narrows open thought or divergent dissident thinking
fear prevents creative different solutions
fear keeps people stuck and solidified in one place ONLY
fear is just an externally induced state of mind that can be kept in place for a long time until it is a habit that just reinforces longer needs external stimulus to ignite more self-censorship does when it becomes habitual
fear is what is being media-promoted and what has been for a long long time called propaganda...also called PR and hype and spin and advertising and sales....the propagation of limited ideas/ beliefs/ & rigid thinking...all that is
conveniently used by rulers & "leaders" to then manipulate their groups/ citizens into any convenient [pre-planned mostly] actions...pollution of mass minds...not clear open clean free thinking...that's not allowed in this follow-me process.
this has been done for what's new ?
so do whatever you want, cuz it is your choice and your life and your parent's teachings are in your hands, however you chose to place them at this time...
I just hate to see people falling into the mental traps laid out so prolifically....
in other words "dont believe everything you hear / see" on any media, especially commercial ones [and while PBS & NPR are better, but they still competitively repeat the same as others do...tho less vehemently]
At the Festival of Books, I just heard a great reporter called Cullen who studied the Columbine killers and students and after 10years !!! yes, it took him all that time to research, interview, & rethink it all, he found that the stories told were mostly UNTRUE about both the killers, about what happened, et al... in a new book he just published and his descriptive story of how he wrote that book and got more info, he reminded me once again, how we are easily drawn to the dramatic, the gossip/rumor that are repeated as "myths" as he called them...and we then also repeat and believe the generalized media-driven version, not the true or real or researched one....and when he said "when the FBI said I could write"....[I did not get to ask him about that one yet...] but I then realized that there too is suppression and withholding of info by those in authority that we never realize...even years way after the event !!! why? I will have to write to ask him....
I was startled...
main point - stories are most often 'myths' and results later never revealed or 'old news' longer "new" so dismissed, discarded, ignored...not reviewed, nor corrected later.
same with this dramatic sway most people are held in now...this "swine" flu scare.
at least this is my CAREFULLY REGARDED OPINION.... [use it as you wish]
and dont stop doing stuff just out of fear.....Fielding also said viruses live for a 'few hours'... not hardly long lived...but of course, ANY AND MANY VIRUSES are all around us alllllllllllllll the time and we already mostly have a decent immune system that prevents major illnesses from developing...
unless you prefer being scared and watching TV instead, then enjoy that if so. It is a choice, not a necessity to believe all that is being blasted...and big pharmaceuticals and med supply companies and medical Doctors are pro fitting here...
and there may be other clever political & economic ploys that have to do with Mexico and whatever "terrorism" we want to emphasize now too, that in 20 years will be revealed... ho hum......
can you tell ? yes, I am furious at how meek and scared people have become and are induced to become
so all the reactions we are being 'contaminated' by have elicited this barrage of words and exclamations...not your or theirs fault but a natural response to being surrounded by so much created-fear and repeated-"news" apparently designed to provoke reactions globally.
so let me know what happens next, where the next wave of manipulated imaginations surge and wave...where the next "overwhelming" globally transmitted & medicalized disaster will ensure that we must do no more than ...agree, obey, smile, accept, obey, do as we are told, follow orders, buy more products, let them take away any small freedoms we thought we had, admit our helplessness, obey, give up what liberties were previously written in some old constitution of before, smile, be nice, never question, and just say "yes"...and again "yes, we will" and "yes, whatever you say must be true" and "I will"....and dont forget: OBEY... never question or dissent, just smile...some more.....
and die... but not peace fully nor morally that way.
whatever...stuff happens...but to be afraid ? not a good idea.
(c) maryjanie 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Fear Flu spreading, it's not virus a - but mutating behavioral reactions...why ?
corporate media,
swine flu
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