Occasionally we get curious about what was our favorite Radio station - from 60's +70's when KPFK was at it's prime & being more relevant, useful, educational-
but unfortunately has been deteriorating & failing every since...those prime 'anti-war' re Vietnam drafts & Iraq no-legit-war times ... and when teachers, lecturers from east Asia came to our western shores to teach us about their philosophies, beliefs, & customs - then it was not focusing on international foods nor consumption[s],
or buying cheaply -- as is now - the main commercialized emphases -- and such displayed by most media: how low do we go ? as seen on TV, radio pgms, print media, etc. -
all are going only to lower chakras - in those over-strained but churning stomach, intestines - those over-filled up guts !
Go to KPFK's website for information - to learn & figure out maybe? how does it still operate besides the constant-continual-relentlessly-repeated-commercialized DEMANDS FOR MORE $$$$$$ - never enough, never stops, and still now same emphasis - continual crying "help us as we are failing... again... more... stilll.. now..."
who is the General Manager now? How /why is that such a revolving position ? What are their names, photos, accomplishments to merit this position ?
Who are the staff there - who are paid or who are volunteers ? How long have they continued to 'work' there and for what benefits-advantage-payola-or $ earned?
Why is the website so antiquated with old info only left there -not updated, not informative and obviously HIDING SECRETS or keeping hidden what is Happening at the station that many have 'invested' their earnings?
Who is at the ship's helm ? plane's pilot seat? lectern's mic ? or getting undisclosed Benefits to keep those few left still operating the basic station's on-air programs ?
[credited shutterstock. thanks for sharing ]
and why are the very same -same old words - same words -mostly heard there ? .... as if: no new programs nor hosts are joining KPFK ?... where are they going/appearing instead ? ...or where are those innovative + creative + forward-moving people ... doing radio ?
Instead of the repeat Not-hardly-any-changed 'programmers' who stay there ~ stuck ~ in as if cemented in station walls - for years !] - are there no others ? better ? and a wider variety of urgent topics? can't be found none there ? to be heard on- KPFK's-air either ? really ??????
The same as were heard saying same words, same voices, same views/ slants/ bias & prejudices [tho un-admitted] on the airwaves OWNED BY 'The American Public' - used but not owned - by any radio stations !
and same taped commercials - tho not defined as Promos, P.R., advertisements - tho the messages are same as any profit-earning for investors organizations ... not holier, better, more honest, nor virtuous at all !
so just learned a small bit: a new GM is now in charge? or acting as if he were ? Who is he?
how to find out more about his past, qualifications, intentions, accomplishments?
name read: "Moe Thomas" - who is that ? why doesn't Google offer up a simple image, a bio, a story, credits ? - or do we have to join websites & do lots of work to find out ? -very little available for public confirmation :
Moe Thomas - Chief Engineer - WPFW - LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com › moe-thomas-0842524 +
Why is there no further press releases to be found via google ? or especially presented to all stakeholders 'Contact's section is reviewed ? see what little spare info is given to public who are asked to Fund, Pay, Support but not allowed to know who works at this workplace? huh?
and who is being fired, re-hired, excluded, added on, doing what tasks - besides repeating same old political positions....
while mainly: exhorting their own prejudiced-held-personal OPINIONS & VIEWS -
&: while this station continues claiming IT to be "only-1=Right"--
[ being righteous? and of course, promoting the far-left-liberals - Only] ...
with pro-1-race-selected as preferred ? [ which brings doubts of USA demographics - the emphases are other than whatever US Census claims are a majority or plurality... or able-to-pay - for KPFK's survival ? ]
[credited : USA Today & ScienceNews. & Kinson.com ]
What is considered 'proportional' or 'representing' realities ? - by what criteria & by whom ?
Who are authorized to claim they WANT more of their own voice, hosts, views, and claiming-priority of programming or staff positions there ?
[credited: Glasbergen.com. Thanks for sharing]
Who is the person supervising, insuring all 'paid donations-subscriptions' are in order, honestly credited & where the cash goes ?
Who chooses which programs are kept - for 20-24-60 years or makes a change/shift ? Or how does Local Station Board [that has been more than merely dys-functional and not honoring it's own bylaws nor any rules ?
[ Anyone ever go to an LSB meeting to see in person- real life ?
It is not as paper-computer read only - as when 'timed' speaker is allowed to go on & on & on tho time was up but by default rules are ignored & selected influencers can harangue & pressure further ... but - while others honor the rules set instead - as seen in person many times there]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
ahhhhh ...same critical points being repeated as nothing has been improved ...as seen only from 'the outside'- Here ... tho not inside any more - whew ! - inside the darkened clumped-cluttered-spaced interior of KPFK station property was & must still remain probably.
Does anyone outside the programmers ['volunteers' w/ lots of benefits & advantages gained so never ever leave their sacred spots !] or fewer than ever staff -paid or not - CARE ?
There are no other commenting sites found- even a prior informative re Pacifica's stations un-doings & schemes caught or leaving the whole organization paying for WBAI - NY 's intentionally not paying rent - then major court deciding that was wrong - so those debts remain - putting KPFK's property/ mortgage in danger...
or is KPFK still indebted to that ploy from another Pacifica radio station so far from LA CA ? or maybe better to ask: Who cares ? Who hides pertinent info that affects all that forceful demanding MORE PLEDGES $$$$!!! repeatedly endlessly.. ugh...
& Who else cares but those gaining from 'being inside' and having on-air-precious-ACCESS ? maybe no one cares to know reality but prefers the fake image/ story sold by station's inhabitants? Who else is asking these questions ? Where ? Plse let us know if you know more than we can find via internet today. thanx
Receiving a bare bit of 'news' from Somethings Happening weekly schedule mailings,it reads this:
"BEHIND THE SCENES = While we are searching for a new General Manager, Moe Thomas has been running things as a (terrific) GM at KPFK. But he has been managing WPFW, Washington DC as his main position and also helping KPFT in Texas. For one thing he saved “Something’s Happening!” by refusing to fire me when ordered. And he let Buzz {Mansour} reappear as a constant helper in many activities as a volunteer.
But while the General Manager is being searched for, we have hired Michael Novick as an Icting GM. He has been active for years at KPFK in many ways as a board member and I think he has been a temporary part-time GM before. ... One immediate activity is to arrange the next fund drive since we failed to make our goal in the last ones...."
If.... nothing notable nor magical nor improved occurs - no better TRANSPARENCY nor ACCOUNTABILITY = then that means KPFK - & by whomever is in charge or competent - must do more to stop being secreted in its dark abyss....
But be Publicly Open & Clear about it's doings and failings & attempts to be as their regular Mission claims KPFK is suppose to be... doing.
But is not, yet.
then no more questions nor observations need be reported from here either.
Alternatively, there is NPR radio that provides news with the similar liberal slants expected
and with more factual information and less personalized-by-program-host biases or emphases included there.
Tho NPR is not 'fair nor balanced nor sharing any 'other sides' than their preferred Democratic Party allied ones either.
But right across the dial- aisle is another radio station that barely, rarely puts out to public a 'fund $$$ raising' few days only. How do they do that so differently?
While we stay away for mental-health safety - but remain: Observing - with an open mind and cleared receptive ears...
& must continue asking the same questions / concerns / all that has been similarly present since this blog's inception... we wait ...still now.... but expect little now.
Sadly we refuse to collude with a failing...state... or a government / country or station... and
we too wonder and wait........ for a real life earth rainbow - that is not a flag or a PR - promoted icon....
but that continues to be the Real Life symbol of hope and beauty.
[credited to Momifesto.thanks for sharing pix ]
(c) mary & B.& others too -(2022)