Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sneaky cameras at red lights need monitoring and identifying...let's start right HERE !

dear fellow drivers and fee-payers all:

I saw a letter to editor and went onliine to find the article, then even wrote a comment #45 at end too....interesting stuff...

I have also recently paid $60 street parking 5 min over time listed on my street, and $50 for parking over the white line in Rose parking lot in Venice, tho handicapped cant fit and open a door in those tight spaces, and almost been run over 2x by a taxi running rapidly THRU a red light w/o looking at Wilshire & Westwood, but the cameras are a threatening robot ready to pounce w/o a human face or mind.

Attached is the LA Weekly article, FYI. If you cant open it, here is the link:

"The city’s 32 red-light cameras are placed at traffic choke points like Sepulveda and National, Sepulveda and Victory, Western and Washington, Manchester and Airport, Alvarado and Temple, Sunset and Cahuenga and Pico and Bundy. (For a map of all 32 camera-rigged corners, go to"

good to know

(c) 2010 maryjanie