Please refer to the full report for more details.
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Source: [site containis graphs but not all of these can be copied ]
"the American teens and twenty-somethings who are making the passage into adulthood at the start of a new millennium -- have begun to forge theirs: confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and open to change.[snip]...
They are more ethnically and racially diverse than older adults. They're less religious, less likely to have served in the military, and are on track to become the most educated generation in American history.
Their entry into careers and first jobs has been badly set back by the Great Recession, but they are more upbeat than their elders about their own economic futures as well as about the overall state of the nation
See chapter 4 in the full report) [[ it's 149 pp on PDF file]] ...[snip]...
Only about six-in-ten were raised by both parents -- a smaller share than was the case with older generations. In weighing their own life priorities, Millennials (like older adults) place parenthood and marriage far above career and financial success. But they aren't rushing to the altar.
Just one-in-five Millennials (21%) are married now, half the share of their parents' generation at the same stage of life. About a third (34%) are parents, according to the Pew Research survey.
We estimate that, in 2006, more than a third of 18 to 29 year old women who gave birth were unmarried. This is a far higher share than was the case in earlier generations.
(See chapters 2 and 3 in the full report) .[snip]...
[snip].....Among 18 to 24 year olds a record share -- 39.6% -- was enrolled in college as of 2008 ...
And now, hard times have kept a significant share of adult Millennials and their parents under the same roof. About one-in-eight older Millennials (ages 22 and older) say they've "boomeranged" back to a parent's home because of the recession. (See chapters 3 and 5 in the
full report)...... [snip]...
...relatively few Millennials -- just 2% of males -- are military veterans. At a comparable stage of their life cycle, 6% of Gen Xer men, 13% of Baby Boomer men and 24% of Silent men were veterans. (See chapter 2 in the full report)......[snip]...
...About half of Millennials say the president has failed to change the way Washington works, which had been the central promise of his candidacy. Of those who say this, three-in-ten blame Obama himself, while more than half blame his political opponents and special interests......[snip]..
They are still more likely than any other age group to identify as Democrats. Yet by early 2010, their support for Obama and the Democrats had receded, as evidenced both by survey data and by their low level of participation in recent off-year and special elections. (See chapter 8 in the
full report)......[snip]...
Source: December 2009 Current Population Survey (CPS)
"... we focus on Millennials who are at least 18 years old.... roughly 50 million Millennials who currently span the ages of 18 to 29 ...[y.o.]... [ this report ] profiles the roughly 50 million Millennials ......[snip]...
...Most of the findings in this report are based on a new survey of a national cross-section of 2,020 adults (including an oversample of Millennials), conducted by landline and cellular telephone from Jan. 14 to 27, 2010; this survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.0 percentage points for the full sample...[SNIP] .... we also know this is not an exact science....
Most Millennials (61%) in our January 2010 survey say their generation has a unique and distinctive identity. That doesn't make them unusual, however. Roughly two-thirds of Silents, nearly six-in-ten Boomers and about half of Xers feel the same way about their generation...[snip]...24% say it's because of their use of technology......[snip]...
Boomers' feelings of distinctiveness coalesce mainly around work ethic, which 17% cite as their most prominent identity badge. For Silents, it's the shared experience of the Depression and World War II, which 14% cite as the biggest reason their generation stands apart.
..Millennials are the only one that doesn't cite "work ethic" as one of their principal claims to distinctiveness...Asked who has the better work ethic, about three-fourths of respondents said that older people do....[snip]
Likewise, Millennials are more receptive to immigrants than are their elders.. .[snip] The same pattern holds on a range of attitudes about nontraditional family arrangements, from mothers of young children working outside the home, to adults living together without being married, to more people of different races marrying each other....[snip]
Some 41% of Millennials say they are satisfied with the way things are going in the country, compared with just 26% of those ages 30 and older......[snip]
see [Download Complete Report [PDF ]
They are the most ethnically and racially diverse cohort of youth in the nation's history.
Among those ages 13 to 29:
18.5% are Hispanic;
14.2% are black;
4.3% are Asian;
3.2% are mixed race or other; and
59.8%, a record low, are white
They are the least religiously observant youths since survey research began charting religious behavior.
They are more inclined toward trust in institutions than were either of their two predecessor generations -- Gen Xers (who are now ages 30 to 45) and Baby Boomers (now ages 46 to 64) when they were coming of age
[[why this is what ? trust how ? huh ? bailouts is not in their vocabulary nor is bankrupcy yet ? huh ?]]
One is the life cycle effect. The biological impact of aging and the changing roles that people play as they grow older typically produce changes in attitudes and scial behaviors over time. In short, young people may be different from older people today, but they may well become more like them tomorrow, once they themselves age.
The second is the cohort effect. Generation differences can be the byproduct of the unique historical circumstances that members of an age cohort experience during adolescence and young adulthood, when awareness of the wider world deepens and personal identities and values systems are being strongly shaped. The unique nature of the times imprints itself on each successive age cohort, producing differences that persist even as a cohort ages and moves through the life cycle.
In addition to life cycle and cohort effects, there are also period effects. These are major events (wars, social movements, scientific or technological breakthroughs) that are likely to have a simultaneous impact on all age groups, though, again, their impact is often greatest among the young because their values and habits are less fixed than those of other age groups.
The most common approach to trying to understand how each of these processes plays out different times to track changes in the attitudes and behavior of cohorts as they age. [snip]
...that there is an upward trend in acceptance of interracial dating in most cohorts as time passes. For instance, just 36% of the "Silent" generation (born before 1946) approved in the first interviews in 1987, but by 2009, 67% of members of this cohort approved .. [snip]
....the continuing cultural forces also persuaded some individuals to change their views on this topic at some point during adulthood.It is also possible that the growing racial and ethnic diversity of the U.S. population over this period contributes to the trend, since blacks and Hispanics are more supportive of interracial dating than are whites ...
[[ what creates changes of attitudes and behaviors is not part of survey, only surmises of other cultural, political, religious and practices in arenas such as immigration, transportation, technological invovations make a difference.... change does not 'just occur' in any vacuum. ]]
so decide for yourself what this survey tells us about our decendants and the future they will 'hold' for us and the earth caring,
how active,
how independent,
how non-militaristic,
if not-passive,
how critical thinking
and how benevolent and generous these 'new' folks are and will be.
The future is not dependent upon them, neither mostly nor alone as a group, but they in this USA will have a say and act as a model, as shown in movies, in social technology, in advertising the USA ways of life. What have we taught them, or what has been taken out of parental family hands and handed to the governments, states, privatized-contractors for the states and local institutions and
out of actual ancestestral influence.
ill millenialls be more followers than leaders ? more self-absorbed in their electronic toys than in their human humane contact ? more reliant on things-ready-made-and-purchased ? more led by instant media and thus with less time and inclination to think for themselves?
and then what ?
will the changes that must occur be beneficial ?
for them ?
for the sentient beings on this planet ?
for the future of this biosphere ?
what then ?
what then ?
what now ?
"No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly. When we know this we become free.
FEAR is always an anticipation of what has NOT yet come.
FEAR is our gross national product & export.
"wherever you are is home, and earth is a sacred place"
(c) maryjanie 2010